Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



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Capture One
[11. 10. 2010.]

Dakle danas sam nabavio Capture One i pokušao ga malo pohvatati ali neke stvari ne mogu dokučiti...dakle kako se u tom programu sprema slika u određeni program,da bi je mogao nastaviti obrađivati...

[11. 10. 2010.]

moraš napraviti EXPORT u određeni format...dakle, iz RAW-a napraviš EXORT u format koji želiš..

[11. 10. 2010.]


[11. 10. 2010.]

"The export features of Capture One are found under what is called the Process Recipe panel. Your RAW files can be processed and exported as TIFF, JPEG, and DNG formats, with 8 and 16 bit options. Your files can also be further sharpened when you’re processing them. This panel is also where you can select to export to one or more of your other installed image programs, like Photoshop and Corel Painter, and even to other programs like Quicktime player and your Flickr account. When you open a file to Photoshop, however, it won’t be saved back to Capture One. You have to save it in your existing filing system. And for some odd reason, you have to use the Shift key and press the Process button when you want export more then one file. Not sure sure why the added key stroke is necessary for this process."

[11. 10. 2010.]

i koliko si ga platio? :)

[11. 10. 2010.]

da to sam i pretpostavljao,ali problem je u tome što ja nigdje ne vidim naredbu sam bedast ,il sam čorav

[11. 10. 2010.]

Proces Recipe panel :-)

[11. 10. 2010.]

puuuno fala aries...još jedna stvar,kada prebacim fotku u PS,ona bude dosta tamnija...

[11. 10. 2010.]

mislim da malo moraš uskladiti kolor profile..malo pročačkaj...nemam baš neka iskustva sa Capture One, ali, princip je svuda isti..

[11. 10. 2010.]

da,probat ču...još jednom fala

[11. 10. 2010.]

i još nešto što čega sam se sjetio..LINEA RAW, ti bi mogao biti uzrok što ti je fotka tamnija : evo isječak sa jednog foruma, malo istraži dalje...>

"Re: Linear Raw

Linear raw is your crw image file processed with no gamma (brightness curve) and color correction. It's just a straight dump of camera information into a format readable by image editing programs.

The resulting image is very dark and the color is "off," but the advantage is that you retain the full dynamic range (shadow to highlights) captured by your camera.

The only reason to ever convert to a linear file at the moment is to recapture highlights that are blown out by normal 16-bit tiff processing.

I say "at the moment" because presently there is no "perfect" input profile to properly correct linear D30 files for gamma and color and still retain highlights and shadows with no shadow posterization.

Go to this site for the best profile available (free) and an action that combines a linear raw and 16-bit tiff to recapture highlight info (small fee)."

[11. 10. 2010.]


[12. 10. 2010.]

Daniele puno si mi pomogao...probat ču nešto prpnjuškati o čemu se tu radi

[12. 10. 2010.]

Koju verziju si stavio??Ja sam na 5,0 odlična je!

[12. 10. 2010.]

verzija je 5.1.2...ovo mi je prvi kontakt sa tim programom i malo me frustira što ga slabo kužim...ti si več vjerovatno dobro verziran

[12. 10. 2010.]

Pa nisam neki stručnjak ali ono šta mi treba to znam, slobodno se javi maliom pa možemo razmjenit iskustva!!

[13. 10. 2010.]

važi rocco...trbat če mi sigurno

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