Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



upamti me
trenutno prisutni:

vijesti: godina 2010.: Studeni: vijest br. 1210


[napisao aljabak. 10 Studenog 2010.][vijest pročitana 1696 puta]


Balkan Press Agency is looking for professional photographers in the field of press photography, given that BPA is already being prepared to cover the parliamentary elections in Kosovo.
Photographers will work 15 days in Kosovo.

-(selected) Photographers should be arriving in Kosovo within 29th November, 2010 and after, December 15th, 2010 are free to leave Kosovo.

BPA offers:

Fee: 800 euro up to 1.000

Accommodation: BPA provides accommodation and food

Travel: BPA covers 50% of the flight ticket to the amount of 500 euros (not over)


Photographers must have 5 years of photojournalism, working experience

Photographers must have experience working in electoral campaigns of different countries, ready to deal with the situation.

Photographers should be equipped with necessary photojournalism facilities up to a personal laptop.

Photographers must speak very well EnglishPhotographers must be ready to work under pressure and calm.


BPA Assignment photographer, daily will cover and photo-document the election campaign activities of certain political parties in Kosovo, starting from December 1, 2010.

Photographer has the responsibility to select from 5 to 10 best pictures of the event which is being developed and send them via email at our editorial office wherever that event is.

BPA Photographer every day is obliged to submit all the pictures on the editorial office of BPA with 2 DVD copies.

necessary info:

1,) from where you will fly to Pristina?

2,) how your flight ticket cost?

3,) describe your equipment

4,) when you can be in Pristina/Kosovo, if you are selected?

APPLICATION instructions:

Application deadline is November 17th, 2010, Submit your CV with a web. Link portfolio in our official e-mail through

HR Human Resources of BPA assignment photographers

The subject of your application must be as below:

Kosovo elections assignment photographer

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Zbog nekog doista blesavog EU zakona dužni smo vas informirati da i naš Fotozine rabi cooki-e (kažu da su to “kolačići”) kao i valjda 99.999% stranica na kugli zemaljskoj. Za izvan nje nemamo informacija. S tim keksima mi ne otkrivamo vašu dob, visinu, debljinu, sposobnost kadriranja, lažiranje exifa i niš takvoga, već nam samo pomažu da se logirate i tak to. A kaj sad možete? kliketnut dole i reć poruci izazvanoj idiJotskim zakonom adio… (A mi smo vas zakonski informirali :P ;))

Bla, bla, tri put Hura i O’Kej…