Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



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kontakt kopije molim pomoć
[08. 11. 2012.]

opet tražim pomoć, tutlek sam. kak sam kontakt kopije delal u CS3 jer je to tak bilo automatski, kak se to dela u CS5. hvala

[08. 11. 2012.]

Koliko se ja sjećam kontakt kopije se rade tako da se negativ nasloni direkt na papir, pa se onda osvjetli (otud i naziv "kontakt-kopija). Ovo u fotošopu prvi put čujem. :-)

[08. 11. 2012.]

? kontakt kopije u fotošopu ?

[09. 11. 2012.]

Kaj se čudite "k'o pura dreku", hoće napraviti index fotki od nekog foldera. Nemam pojma kak bi se to u PS-u napravilo.

[09. 11. 2012.]

je index fotki i sad da bum "jako pametan". to se u cs3 zvalo contactsheet (tak bar piše ispod fotke koje sam onda delal) i bilo je u file-automate-contactsheet

ak neko zna da ne moram puno fotki ručno stavljati ili intstalirati cs3 da to obavim

[09. 11. 2012.]

U CS5 za Contact sheet ide ovako: Copy-Paste na ENG jeziku

Create contact sheets with Adobe Bridge

Use the older, optional Photoshop plug-in

Adobe recommends

Create contact sheets in CS5

Create contact sheets with Adobe Bridge

The image search and sorting capabilities of Adobe Bridge make it easy to create contact sheets. In Bridge, the Adobe Output Module creates contact sheets in PDF format, which any recipient can review, annotate, and print using the free Adobe Reader.

For instructions and links to helpful tutorials, see Create a PDF contact sheet in Adobe Bridge Help.

Use the older, optional Photoshop plug-in

Because Adobe Bridge provides updated contact sheet features, the Contact Sheet plug-in is not installed with Photoshop.

1.Download and install the plug-in for Windows or Mac OS.

2.Run Photoshop in 32-bit mode (64-bit Mac OS only).

3.Do one of the following:

• (Photoshop) Choose File > Automate > Contact Sheet II.

• (Bridge) Select a folder of images or specific image files. From the Bridge menu, choose Tools > Photoshop > Contact Sheet II. Unless you select specific images, the contact sheet will include all the images currently displayed in Adobe Bridge. You can select a different image folder or select other currently open images after the Contact Sheet II dialog box opens.

Note: Click to select an image in Bridge. Shift-click to select a series of images. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) to select noncontiguous images.

4.In the Contact Sheet II dialog box, specify the images to use by choosing one of the following from the Use menu in the Source Images area: Current Open Documents Uses any image that is currently open in Photoshop.

Folder Lets you click Browse (Windows) or Choose (Mac OS) to specify the folder containing the images you want to use. Select Include All Subfolders to include images inside any subfolders.

Selected Images From Bridge Uses images displayed in Bridge. All images in Bridge are used unless you select specific images before choosing the Contact Sheet II command. Images in subfolders are not included.

5.In the Document area, specify the dimensions, resolution, and color mode for the contact sheet. Select Flatten All Layers to create a contact sheet with all images and text on a single layer. Deselect Flatten All Layers to create a contact sheet in which each image is on a separate layer and each caption is on a separate text layer.

6.In the Thumbnails area, specify layout options for the thumbnail previews.•

For Place, choose whether to arrange thumbnails across first (from left to right, then top to bottom) or down first (from top to bottom, then left to right).

• Enter the number of columns and rows that you want per contact sheet. The maximum dimensions for each thumbnail are displayed to the right, along with a visual preview of the specified layout.

• Select Use Auto-Spacing to let Photoshop automatically space the thumbnails in the contact sheet. If you deselect Use Auto-Spacing, you can specify the vertical and horizontal space around the thumbnails. The contact sheet preview in the dialog box is automatically updated as you specify the spacing.

• Select Rotate For Best Fit to rotate the images, regardless of their orientation, so they fit efficiently on a contact sheet.

7.Select Use Filename As Caption to label the thumbnails using their source image filenames. Use the menu to specify a caption font and font size.

8.Click OK.

[09. 11. 2012.]

:) nisam ni znala da ps ima tu mogućnost . A zašto radiš kk? Mislim... kužim svrhu kad se snima na film ali danas?

[09. 11. 2012.]

moj bedasti odgovor. zato jer moj tast mora imati isprintane fotki s brojevima da more napraviti redosljed fotki za prezentaciju. nekak je lakše kad se isprinta više fotki na jedan A4. ili možda postoji neki bolji način za to. kak sam odrasel na "starinskoj" tehnologiji fotografije a ova modernu kužim samo jakkkooo malo mislil sam da je to najlakše. kak sam rekel prije isto to sam trebal prije pa sam u cs3 napravil sam tak. hvala na zanimanju za moje bedastoće, a bude ih još

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