Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



upamti me
trenutno prisutni:

Kupit ću vam svima fotić
[02. 01. 2015.]

Eto nova godina mi je tako divno počela.

Postao sam milijunaš preko noći.Ako ne vjerujete pogledajte

[02. 01. 2015.]

Aaaarrgh link ne radi.

Probaću ovako:

[02. 01. 2015.]

A je ti link :(

Nis ti ne vjerujem ....

[02. 01. 2015.]

Ma ni ovo ne radi ne znam da li smijem staviti cijeli text,podugačko je.

[02. 01. 2015.]

Valda se gazda neće ljutiti.

[02. 01. 2015.]

Anti-Terrorist And Monetary Crimes Division

FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Federal Bureau Of Investigation

J.Edgar Hoover Building

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, Nw Washington, D.C. 20535-0001


We sincerely apologized for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of a certified mail, post-mail, phone or face -to- face

conversation,it is due to the urgency.

This e-mail has been issued to you in order to officially inform you that we Have completed an investigation on an International Payment in which

was Issued to you by an International Lottery Company. With the help of our Newly developed technology (International Monitoring Network System)

we Discovered that your e-mail address was automatically selected by an Online Balloting System, this has legally won you the sum of $2.8million

USD from a Lottery Company outside the United States of America during our Investigation we discovered that your e-mail won the money from an

Online Balloting System and we have authorized this winning to be paid to you via INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT.

Normally, it will take up to 3 to 5 business days for an INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT by your local bank We have successfully notified

this company on Your behalf that funds are to be drawn from a registered bank within the World winded, so as to enable you cash the check

instantly without any Delay, henceforth the stated amount of $2.8million USD has been deposited With International Monetary Fund(IMF).

We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive The winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to

be Safe and 100% risk free, due to the fact that the funds have been deposited with IMF You will be required to settle the following bills

directly to the Lottery Agent in-charge of this transaction that is located in COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC According to our discoveries, you

were required to pay for the Following,


(2) Shipping Fee's (This is the charge for shipping the Cashier's Cheque to your home address)

The total amount for everything is $135 we have tried our possible best to Indicate that this $135 should be deducted from your winning prize

but we Found out that the funds have already been deposited to the IMF and cannot be Accessed by anyone apart from you the winner, therefore you will

be required To pay the required fee's to the Agent in-charge of this transaction.

In order to proceed with this transaction, you will be required to contact The agent in-charge (Mr.James Brown) via e-mail Kindly look below

to find Appropriate contact information:



Direct Phone : +229 991 23970

You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:








You will also be required to request Western Union or Money Gram details on How to send the required $135 in order to immediately ship

your prize of $2.8million USD via INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT from IMF, also Include the following transaction code in order for him to

immediately Identify this transaction: EA2948-910.

This letter will serve as proof that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation is Authorizing you to pay the required $135 ONLY to Mr.James Brown via

Information in which he shall send to you,


Yours in Service,

Federal Bureau of Investigation Director (F B I)

Mr. James B.Comey.

[02. 01. 2015.]

Hajde ti nama kupi fotic pa cemo se kasnije dogovoriti za linkove :))

[02. 01. 2015.]

Nek oduzmu od love ;-)))

[02. 01. 2015.]

ho-ho-ho... dobar ti je vic.

[03. 01. 2015.]

Najjače mi je ovo: "J.Edgar Hoover Building"... :)

[03. 01. 2015.]

obavjesti nas na koju adresu da šaljemo popis želja:)

[03. 01. 2015.]

Ja ne bih fotić. To mi ne bu pomoglo. Ja bih konačno jednu dobru fotku :)

[03. 01. 2015.]

Hehehe,javiti se gosponu James Brownu :)

[03. 01. 2015.]

I feel Good :)

Nebi niti ja fotić...ako može jedan pak Pikovih kobasica, Dimljene Premium :)

[03. 01. 2015.]

hahah kakve li kreativnosti. kud baš James Brown..

ono, uskrsnuo je da baš tebi pomogne lol

[03. 01. 2015.]

Ja bi još vecu lopatu :-))

[03. 01. 2015.]

Strpite se malo,biti će svega čim lova sjedne na računčić.:))

[03. 01. 2015.]

Samo napravi mjesta na računu ! :)

[03. 01. 2015.]

naravno u Švicarskoj, ne bih dao ovima našima da uzmu porez još :D

[03. 01. 2015.]

Esi lud! Os svaki put do Svicarske na bankomat ?

[03. 01. 2015.]

A šta fali Švicarskoj?

Ako se ne radi o kreditu u švicarcima!!!


[04. 01. 2015.]

Sjednes na vlak i laganini ;-))

[04. 01. 2015.]

kupiš si vlak i napraviš odmah novu rutu

[10. 01. 2015.]

blago ti se

[10. 01. 2015.]

Moš mislit.Sav se evo topim od miline.Hee Hee Heee.:-)

[15. 03. 2015.]

Ništa od fotića.Zapljenili mi lovu.

Urgent attention to you.

We sincerely apologized for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of a certified mail, post-mail, phone or face to face conversation, it is due to the urgency and importance of the security information of our citizenry, i am special agent James Williams from the federal bureau of investigation (FBI) intelligence unit, we have just intercepted and confiscated two (2) trunk box at JFK Airport in New York, and are on the verge of moving it to our bureau head quarters.

We scanned the said box, and discover it contains total sum of $4.1 million and also backup document which bears your name as the receiver of the money contained in the box, investigations carried out on the diplomat which accompanied the box into united states said he was to deliver this funds to your residence as payment due you from the office of federal government of Nigeria in conjunction with United Nations as unpaid beneficiary.

We cross-checked all legal documentation in the box, and were about to release the consignment to the diplomat when we found out that the box was lacking one very important document which makes us confiscate the box.

According to section 229 subsection 31 of the 1991 constitution in money laundering, your consignment lacks proof of ownership certificate from the joint team of the IRS and Homeland Security, reply for direction on how to procure this certificate which will enable you relieved of the charges of money laundering which is a punishable offense under section 12 subsection 441 of constitution on money laundering.

Also, you must not contact any other bank or person in Nigeria or United Kingdom or any part of the world for any payment, because your payment has been confiscated by this bureau here in the United States.

Yours in Service

Agent James Williams

Regional Director

Nemate ovlasti aktivnog sudjelovanja. Morate biti registrirani i prijavljeni.

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Zbog nekog doista blesavog EU zakona dužni smo vas informirati da i naš Fotozine rabi cooki-e (kažu da su to “kolačići”) kao i valjda 99.999% stranica na kugli zemaljskoj. Za izvan nje nemamo informacija. S tim keksima mi ne otkrivamo vašu dob, visinu, debljinu, sposobnost kadriranja, lažiranje exifa i niš takvoga, već nam samo pomažu da se logirate i tak to. A kaj sad možete? kliketnut dole i reć poruci izazvanoj idiJotskim zakonom adio… (A mi smo vas zakonski informirali :P ;))

Bla, bla, tri put Hura i O’Kej…