Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



upamti me
trenutno prisutni:

Wide Angle
[21. 11. 2008.]

E ovako.

Zadnjih dana gledam malo po netu neke stvari, ali ipak želim pitat jel ima netko iskustva s nečim ovakvim prije kupnje.

Naime tražio sam rangefinder ili neki mali aprat koji je predviđen za snimanje širokog kuta.

Za oko mi je zapela Bessa L sa Skopar 21mm f4.5 objektivom.

Problem je taj što nigdje ne mogu pronaci ovaj komplet(prvenstveno sam ebay gledao), a odvojena kupovina tijela i objektiva mi baš i nije na pameti.

Jel ima netko još nešto u ovom rangu za preopručit ili čak možda i prodat pa da ne moram izvana naručivat.

[21. 11. 2008.]

imas LX3 PAnasonic kompaktic sa 24mm

[22. 11. 2008.]

Jesam spomenio da je Bessa L 35mm analogni fotoaparat pa bi i neka druga preporuka trebala bit analogna, a ne digitalija=)

[22. 11. 2008.]

Kaj mora biti rangefinder?

Uzmi moj Pentax P30t, kupi adapter za M42 i kupi neki sirokokutni M42 objektiv.

[22. 11. 2008.]

A ne bi baš.

Zato jer onda moram nabavit adapter, a zatim i širokokutni objektiv koji nigdje ne mogu naci na m42.

[22. 11. 2008.]

Ako te baš puca široki kut, a želiš analogno, i leica format, nađi si na ebay-u ovak nekaj , i igraj se sa time. Format je jako zgodan, a ova moja galerija je upucana sa njim. :D

[22. 11. 2008.]

Al pazi ovo krešica.

Meni treba nešto malo sa širokim kutem za uličnu fotografiju i stoga mi ne dolazi tak nešto u obzir=))

Ova Bessa L mi je preseksi sa 25mm gore, ali nigdje nema ta kombinacija za kupit.

Imam doma M42 Beroflexa 28mm 2.8 i možda čak uzmem neko SLR tijelo, ali trebalo bi bit što manje i tiše=)

[22. 11. 2008.]

vjerojatno znaš da bessa L nije je zonac, a za frejmanje ti treba dodatni okular...kad smo kod rangefindera ;)

[22. 11. 2008.]

ma znam ja sve to.

E tak bi uzeo tu Bessu sa 25icom, ali nemogu nigdje nac komplet:(

[22. 11. 2008.]


Evo našo sam ovaj Shop(hvala Mack) i frajer ima sve živo, ali je jako nepregledno i uopce ne kužim kak se naručuje.

Jel ima netko iskustva i jel netko naručivao odavde?

[22. 11. 2008.]

pod Terms of Sale niš?

[22. 11. 2008.]

kako niš???


CameraQuest is a Cosina Voigtlander USA Distributor. New Voigtlander products are sold with the one year Voigtlander USA warranty. See Warranty Details Bessa Rangefinder bodies will not be shipped unless the Rangefinder alignment is correct. Voigtlander Items NOT in stock will generally be shipped to you within 2 weeks of receipt of payment, though the target turn-around is 10 days. The exception are advance orders on new products which have yet to be released.

Used items are sold without warranty unless specifically stated otherwise.

Prices do not include shipping unless specifically stated otherwise. Sales tax will be charged on purchases shipped within California. CameraQuest ships to most foreign countries. Prices are subject to change without notice. Foreign customs fees, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer.

RETURNS and REFUNDS: If you are unhappy with a purchase for any reason, you may RETURN it for a refund of the purchase price (not shipping) less a 10% restocking fee, for 10 days after receipt, so long as the item is returned in the EXACT condition as shipped. A small scratch, a torn box, missing or opened packaging materials including a camera strap or batteries, all translate to "no return." Refunds will usually be made within 3 business days of satisfactory receipt of the returned item. If I am out of town, the matter will have to wait until I return to inspect the item. Be sure to insure the returned item. If it is lost or damaged in transit, I will not issue a refund or exchange. Return shipping and insurance is at your expense. Shipping charges will not be reimbursed under any circumstances.

INSURANCE and shipping: I suggest the return package be shipped USPS with insurance and delivery confirmation (within the US), however shipping method is up to you. I insure the package on its way to you. If it is lost or damaged, I will deal with the insurance, and either send a new item, or issue a refund, make the insurance claim, and collect the insurance. If you return an item, it is your responsibility to insure it. If the package is lost or damaged on its way back to me for a refund or exchange, you make the insurance claim, collect the claim, and the item is yours. I do not refund or exchange for items lost or damaged in transit back to me.

Return Shipping Address: Stephen Gandy, 1336 Moorpark Rd, Box 184, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91360-5224. Take note that the address is simply "Box 184," not "PO Box."

Order Cancellations will receive a full refund, within 5 business days of the email notification. If unforeseen events prevent me from filling your order, I will cancel your order and reimburse you with a full refund with 5 business days of notification.

[22. 11. 2008.]

kad bolje pročitam, nema niš pametnog tu :)

[22. 11. 2008.]

upravo tako=)

[25. 11. 2008.]

Dobar izbor, samo sto ce ti to biti skuupooo...

Treba ti tijelo, objektiv i trazilo.

Ja imam Sigmu 3.5/18 za Nikon, koja ide na svako Nikon tijelo. Naravno, ima i sirih ali skupljih objektiva.

Za rangefinder aparate Zeiss distagon 21mm je legenda, ali ni Skopar nikako nije los...

Nemate ovlasti aktivnog sudjelovanja. Morate biti registrirani i prijavljeni.

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