Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



upamti me
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[27. 01. 2009.]

vezano uz oglas na njuskalu za canon 5d markII -950eura

posto su ostavili i msn kontakt, javio sam se sav entuzijastican da vidim sta ce prevaranti napisat i evo cijele price, bilo je presmijesno,ali najzalosnije je sto ljudi svakodnevno nasjedaju na to...

S. says:


samo me zanima cijena 5d marII

Devoe says:

Hello You speack English?

S. says:


aren't you from Zagreb

Devoe says:


am from Britain

S. says:

didn't you post an add to sell canon 5d markII

Devoe says:

Yes we did

we are a London uk company that deals with the sales of electronics

ranging from Mobile phones,Digital Camera,Plasma tv laptop notebooks etc

S. says:

I understand

so if I were to buy the canon 5d markII

for 950 euros as you stated

you would have to ship it to Zagreb, Croatia?

Devoe says:


S. says:

and the shipping cost?

Devoe says:

our delivery takes only 48 hours through FedEx courier services

shipping cost 20 euros

but if you buy up to 3 you get free shipping

S. says:

what about customs

they would charge me around 30% on the actual price

Devoe says:

custom charges will be handled by our company

S. says:

wow, that's great

in what condition is the 5d camera

Devoe says:

it is brand new and it comes with all its accessories complete in the factory sealed box unopened

S. says:

only body

or is there a lens included?

Devoe says:

It is only body but we can as well sell you the lens at good prices

S. says:

do you have a web page or a cataloque

Devoe says:

yes but it is presently on a video domain up grading

but here it is

S. says:

there's not much information on the page

what about payment methods?

Devoe says:


because it is still under upgrading

and it will be ready soon

S. says:

ok, can you tell me about payment methods

Devoe says:

We accept payment via money transfer ot bank transfer

S. says:

what about Paypal because I have an open account there

Devoe says:


we do not accept paypal as a payment method

S. says:

ok, I can go to a bank

not a problem

just this is faster

but no matter

Devoe says:

yes but how soon do you want the item to be delivered ?

S. says:

you said 48 hours trough fedex

Devoe says:


you know payment must be confirmed before shipment is made

S. says:

how long does that take?

Devoe says:

so if you will be making payment through Money Transfer then we can make shipment to you in just 30 minutes after your payment is made

and if you will be making payment through Bank transfer it will take 3 working days before your payment can be confirmed in our company's operating account

S. says:

I'm not in such a rush, so Bank transfer will do

Devoe says:

ok then

so will you be interested in buying the lens as well?

S. says:

not really, just wanted to know if it is included

what lenses do you have

they are really expensive her in Croatia

Devoe says:

oh i see

are you a compnay or personal

S. says:


Devoe says:


S. says:


Devoe says:

oh i see

no i was just asking

S. says:

do you maybe have a list of lenses

Devoe says:

yes i will get that for you in couple of mins

hold on

S. says:

no problem

Devoe says:

sorry am back

so can i have you ful shipping address now?

S. says:

yes, but you said you are going to get the list of your lenses

Devoe says:

oh i almost forgot

Canon Telephoto zoom lens - 75 mm - 300 mm - F/4.0-5.6 ........110 Euro

Canon Telephoto zoom lens - 75 mm - 300 mm - F/4.0-5.6 ........450 Euro

Canon EF Lens - 50 mm - F/1.8.........80 Euro

Canon Macro lens - 100 mm - F/2.8 .......180 Euro

Canon Zoom lens - 24 mm - 70 mm - F/2.8.......300 Euro

S. says:

wow, nice prices

so lets summarize this

Devoe says:


S. says:

I'm buying canon 5d markII


for 950 euro

shipping cost is 20 euro

by fedex

it takes 2 days

Devoe says:


S. says:

shipping is after confirmed payment

Devoe says:



S. says:

and that's it

and you will pay the customs charges you said

maybe you can avoid them somehow

Devoe says:


S. says:


how about I pay you 1000 euros more for being so kind


Devoe says:

we send you all the following shipping details immediately shipment is done

the tracking number

S. says:

so this is not a scam?

this is all true?

Devoe says:

the airway billing


S. says:

my mom won't believe me


the sadest part is that there are suckers that buy into all of your crap

but, everybody's gotta make a living


Devoe says:

i dont get you?

S. says:

get this

I know this is a scam

got it?


Devoe says:

how do you mean?

look are you really willing to buy or you are just waisting our time here?

S. says:

no, sory sory

just kidding



Devoe says:

I will back

i have a call

S. says:


[28. 01. 2009.]

hahahaaaa :) kao i uvijek do sada kad je bilo jeftino :)

[28. 01. 2009.]

Ajd neka netko proba bas me zanima...nije mi jasno zasto nisi cekao do broja bankovnog racuna

[28. 01. 2009.]

za jednog britanca, engleski mu je jako los :))))

[28. 01. 2009.]

meni naruci 100 macro i 24-70 :-P

[28. 01. 2009.]

meni čevape s lukom :-)

[28. 01. 2009.]

a ajvar?

[28. 01. 2009.]

fuj ajvar

[28. 01. 2009.]

Uuuuu ja sam jucer isao do Orasja na cevape...mljac

[28. 01. 2009.]

hahahahaha predobro:)))))

kao sto si rekao, ima ljudi koji nazalost stvarno puse take stvari.

[28. 01. 2009.]

Treba se držati Adorame i drugih provjerenih.

[28. 01. 2009.]

ahhahha a najbolji je kraj kad ga pokopa=)

Svaka čast=)

[31. 01. 2009.]

hahaha...strašno...čito sam negdje di ljudi stvarno puše te fore...neki lik je neznam kolko love poslo za nokiu N95 8gb kad ga nije bilo kod nas još i onda se čudi nakon mjesec dana di je paket zapeo...ccc

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