Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



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AC/DC Beč Nočas

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AC/DC Beč Nočas

[kratica stranice: ←permalink]
[25. 05. 2009.]

On the day I was born the rain fell down

There was trouble brewing in my home town

It was the seventh day, I was the seventh son

And it scared the hell out of everyone

They said stop, I said go

They said fast, I said slow

They said yes, I said no

I do the bad boy boogie

Being a bad boy ain't that bad

I've had me more dirty women than most men ever had

All you women come along with me

And I'll show you how good a bad boy can be

I said right and they said left

I said east and they said west

I said up and they said down

I do the bad boy boogie all over town

I wanna tell you no story, tell you no lie

I was born to love till the day I die

I just line them up and I knock them down

And they all came running when the word got round

(Just keep a running)

I said up, they said down

They said straight, I said round

They said lost, I said found

I said free and they said bound

Bad boy boogie

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