Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



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Adobe CS2 and ACR updates
[17. 05. 2006.]

Adobe has announced updates to its Camera Raw plug-in and Photoshop CS2. Camera Raw 3.4 adds support for the Canon EOS 30D, Olympus EVOLT 330 and Pentax *ist DL2 amongst others. The Photoshop 9.0.1 update fixes a number of problems present in version 9.0.

Adobe Camera Raw 3.4 Update

This new version of the Camera Raw plug-in replaces the original Camera Raw plug-in that was installed with Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 and 4.0 software. Visit the Camera Raw page for a complete list of supported cameras.

Support for the following cameras has been added in this update.

Canon EOS 30D

Leaf Aptus 65

Leaf Aptus 75

Olympus EVOLT 330

Olympus SP-320

Pentax *ist DL2

Samsung GX-1S

Adobe Photoshop 9.0.1 (CS2) Update

The Adobe Photoshop 9.0.1 update fixes a number of problems discovered after Photoshop CS2 (9.0) software was released.

The most significant fixes in the 9.0.1 release include the following:

Photoshop no longer hangs for several seconds when using painting tools with quick strokes.

A runtime error that could appear when mousing over a high-res document with the Brush tool has been fixed.

Documents containing a large number of text layers now open more quickly.

Problems related to palettes (slow redraw, palettes go white, possible crash) have been addressed.

TIFF files from certain scanners can now be opened correctly.

After editing an image in Photoshop CS2 via the TouchUp tool in Adobe Acrobat software, the image no longer gets repositioned.

XMP metadata from AI and PDF files is now retained in Photoshop.

Slow performance when toggling layer visibility has been fixed.

Info palette numbers are now displayed and updated when moving a curve point in Curves via the cursor keys..

Problems opening certain TIFF and PSB files greater than 2GB have been resolved.

The Merge to HDR command now functions properly when using high-ASCII characters in user login.

Windows updates

MAC updates

[23. 05. 2006.]

fala ti brate po kapi, pravi si bigwarezbraderz

[23. 05. 2006.]

tomo - my man!


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