mdphoto [29. 08. 2009.] |
BTW, ja sam Canonaš... M.D. |
mdphoto [29. 08. 2009.] |
Evo preview:
Oceana [29. 08. 2009.] |
ovo više zgleda kao "reklama" za Canon service kod nas ;) |
Cimbura [29. 08. 2009.] |
ahahaha! fino sam se nasmijao uz kavicu sada :) |
mdphoto [29. 08. 2009.] |
Ima tu tekstova o raznim problemima koji muče Canonaše (ali očito ne i sam Canon) i može se čovjek zbilja srdačno nasmijati čak i na svoj račun, ako samo malo prosurfa. You know, I don’t know what’s going on with us recently. Not only do our latest products have some rather serious issues, but competitors like Nikon are kicking our asses with their latest products. That new Nikon D5000 is going to make short work of our 1000D and even the 500D/Rebel T1i/Kiss X3 (AKA the EOS Whatever). And if my sources are correct, the Nikon D400 is going to really give us problems. I don’t even want to think about the D800. (...) Later tonight when I head for home, I’m going to stop by the local church first and take a little time for myself, maybe pray for guidance and help in these tough times. It just seems like there’s some kind of curse on Canon right now. I have no other explanation for it. How else can you explain all of these events happening so close to eachother? It’s just not natural. And now, we can’t even seem to be able to do the very thing everyone has come to expect from us: Deliver great image quality. The 50D failed, the G10 failed, and now, our flagship body for image quality is failing. Maybe it’s just Karma. Maybe we’re getting paid for delivering all those backfocusing lenses to people, or the bodies (even the overpriced 1Ds) and L lenses that won’t work out of the box, or for screwing people out of their warranty, or for letting them send in their equipment to service centers countless times without fixing anything and wasting their time. Sigh… I don’t know. |
mexico [29. 08. 2009.] |
:) |
Nemate ovlasti aktivnog sudjelovanja. Morate biti registrirani i prijavljeni.
Zbog nekog doista blesavog EU zakona dužni smo vas informirati da i naš Fotozine rabi cooki-e (kažu da su to “kolačići”) kao i valjda 99.999% stranica na kugli zemaljskoj. Za izvan nje nemamo informacija. S tim keksima mi ne otkrivamo vašu dob, visinu, debljinu, sposobnost kadriranja, lažiranje exifa i niš takvoga, već nam samo pomažu da se logirate i tak to. A kaj sad možete? kliketnut dole i reć poruci izazvanoj idiJotskim zakonom adio… (A mi smo vas zakonski informirali :P ;))