BlackHeart [18. 09. 2007.] |
Copy & paste sa ovog mjesta: Life: Explained
A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them. "Not very long," answered the Mexican. "But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American. The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?" "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs. I have a full life." The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat." "And after that?" asked the Mexican. "With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge new enterprise." "How long would that take?" asked the Mexican. "Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American. "And after that?" "Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting," answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!" "Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the Mexican. "After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends." And the moral of this story is: ......... Know where you're going in life... you may already be there. |
mexico [18. 09. 2007.] |
da potpisem svoje :))))) |
Anci [18. 09. 2007.] |
pametan covjek ovaj mexico! :)) |
reba [18. 09. 2007.] |
Super priča, malo se zamisliš :) |
tale [18. 09. 2007.] |
je bogumi se zamisliš nema šta :) |
Joki [18. 09. 2007.] |
:))) |
KreSica [18. 09. 2007.] |
Bezveze, pa takva ista priča sa dalmatncem koji lovi ribu se pričala još u doba juge :) |
slyway [19. 09. 2007.] |
možda je bezveze, ali stari moj ime duše... i ta naša pohlepa i želja za nečim večim od onoga što nam treba će nas odvesti u kurac, a več i je. Polako ide sve po onome što je Nostradamus napisao...a i Rusi se se uzjogunili, neće na dobro... |
slyway [19. 09. 2007.] |
... još,još,još i više,više,više i meni,meni, samo meni... rezultat toga nam se događa, kotač prirode se je pokrenuo, a bojim se da mi nemammo kočnice za njega. |
zorba [19. 09. 2007.] |
Potpisujem KreSicu :)))))))))))))) |
drnda [20. 09. 2007.] |
ma je, priča jest stara!... ali utješno je da je poživjela tolko dugo i ja joj želim još puno inačica i široku recepciju, jer nosi poruku od životne važnosti... |
Fleky [20. 09. 2007.] |
ma kupujem brodicu i pocinjem biznis, ali samo na par godina dok ne kupim NOV NOVCAT NAJNOVIJI EOS!!! eto sta ti je poruka price, radi i zadovolji svoje prohtjeve, a neko oce jahtu, pa radi onda rodjo, ja ocu nesto drugo, jel! |
Zbog nekog doista blesavog EU zakona dužni smo vas informirati da i naš Fotozine rabi cooki-e (kažu da su to “kolačići”) kao i valjda 99.999% stranica na kugli zemaljskoj. Za izvan nje nemamo informacija. S tim keksima mi ne otkrivamo vašu dob, visinu, debljinu, sposobnost kadriranja, lažiranje exifa i niš takvoga, već nam samo pomažu da se logirate i tak to. A kaj sad možete? kliketnut dole i reć poruci izazvanoj idiJotskim zakonom adio… (A mi smo vas zakonski informirali :P ;))